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I have been passionate about creating a better world for our children and making a positive difference towards childcare for as long as I can remember.  


At 16yrs old I left school and got my first part time job in a small private kindergarten while studying for my Early Childhood Education Certificate.  I went on to complete a Bachelors Degree in Applied Social Science and Early Childhood Education and since then I have continued my learning journey to become certified in Mental Health, Mindfulness and Reiki.   


Over the years I have had the pleasure of working in some amazing pre-schools and schools both here in New Zealand and Europe which has allowed me to connect with some very inspiring educators and experience a range of different teaching and learning philosophies.  


I am blessed to have two beautiful children who have taught me many valuable lessons.  This knowledge and experience has formed my heart-centred approach to nurturing and empowering young children.


Our journey has led us to parent-led playgroups, Playcentre, private childcare, kindergarten, primary school, and now we are happily unschooling. 

I have found that children learn naturally through experience and that when we are mindful of learning, every experience becomes an opportunity.  The ‘Unschooling’ educational philosophy advocates for self-directed learning through natural life experiences including play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity.  It encourages learning through exploration and discovery which is initiated by each child - believing that the more personal learning is, the more meaningful, well understood and therefore useful it is.


When I think about the sort of parent/teacher I want to be, I envision someone who is trusted, connected and in a partnership with others.  A relationship where the adult walks alongside, to guide, with unconditional love and respect.


Follow my journey as I strive towards becoming a more reflective and mindful parent and teacher.  As my children grow, so do I.  As I research, gain knowledge, build upon my understanding, and incorporate this into our lives, I will share these experiences and reflections with you.


“If you get, give.  If you learn, teach.”  - Maya Angelou

                                                                                                                 Jen Sallé-Webb

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